Making Tassels With The Cricut

Here is a super fun project that you will become addicted to – making tassels with the Cricut! If you enjoy making things like purse charms/chunky charms, these tassels are the perfect accent for those. They add that finishing touch.

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Products Used To Make This Project

Here is a step-by-step tutorial on how to make these tassels. You can also watch the video tutorial.

Get your supplies together.

Glitter faux leather, Cricut Strong Grip Transfer Tape, Painters Tape
Glitter faux leather, Cricut Strong Grip Transfer Tape, Painters Tape

Place the Strong Grip Transfer Tape sticky side up on the mat. Peel off the white backing exposing the stick side.

Cricut Strong Grip Transfer Tape placed on mat sticky side up.  Remove white backing to expose sticky side.
Cricut Strong Grip Transfer Tape placed on mat sticky side up. Remove white backing to expose sticky side.

Place Faux Leather pretty side down on top of the sticky Strong Grip Transfer Tape. You can vaguely see the Strong Grip Transfer Tape in this picture

Laying the faux leather, pretty side down, on top of the Cricut Strong Grip Transfer Tape.
Laying the faux leather, pretty side down, on top of the Cricut Strong Grip Transfer Tape.

Place Painters Tape around all four edges of the Faux Leather to keep it securely in place.

Place painters tape around all four edges.
Place painters tape around all four edges.

Here you can see the tassel cut out of the faux leather.

Tassel cut out on the faux leather.
Tassel cut out on the faux leather.

Backside of the tassel.

Backside of the tassel.
Backside of the tassel.

Front side of tassel.

Front side of tassel.
Front side of tassel.

Putting The Tassel Together

Heat up your Hot Glue Gun.

Heat up your hot glue gun.
Heat up your hot glue gun.

Fold the single longer piece at the top in half to form your loop.

Glue single long strip in half and glue into place.
Glue single long strip in half and glue into place.

The loop has been created.

The loop has been created.
The loop has been created.

Once you have made the loop, start rolling the tassel from the end with the loop to form your tassel. Glue as you go.

Starting to wrap the tassel.
Starting to wrap the tassel.
Wrapping the tassel.
Wrapping the tassel.

Wrapping the tassel.

Wrapping the tassel.
Wrapping the tassel.

The wrapped tassel.

The wrapped tassel.
The wrapped tassel.
Getting ready to glue the rectangular strip to the top of the tassel.
Getting ready to glue the rectangular strip to the top of the tassel.

Wrap the single rectangular strip around top of tassel.

Wrapping and glueing the single rectangular strip around the top of the tassel.
Wrapping and glueing the single rectangular strip around the top of the tassel.

The Finished Tassel

The finished tassel.
The finished tassel.

Here are a few more.

More tassels.
More tassels.

How fun are these tassels. I hope you will start making tassels with the Cricut to enhance your purse charms or keychains.

Until next time.


P.S. You might also enjoy this faux leather project Making Faux Leather Hair Bows With The Cricut.

Hair Bow

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