Father’s Day – What It Means to Me

I found this on Google on why Father’s Day is important.

“Father’s Day is celebrated worldwide to recognize the contribution that fathers and father figures make to the lives of their children. This day celebrates fatherhood and male parenting. Although it is celebrated on a variety of dates worldwide, many countries observe this day on the third Sunday in June.”

My dad was not that dad. I don’t have great memories of my father. He was never there for us growing up. He divorced my mom and married a much younger woman and started a new family.

I remember having to work extremely hard to have any kind of real relationship with my dad. As I got older and became an adult we grew a little closer. He died in 1995 at the young age of 67. I have never missed him since he’s been gone, and that’s sad to me.

We had an amazing stepdad who was such a great man. I loved my stepdad. He was good to our mom and made her happy. He treated the four of us kids with kindness and respect and was caring and loving, yet firm.

I Have Two Amazing Nephews

I can say that I have an amazing brother who is the most wonderful father to his two boys. He is so kind and gentle with them and teaches them with love, understanding, respect and discipline. They are great kids and I just adore them. I get to see them several times a year, and those times are so special to me.

This is the first year since my dad and stepdad passed away that I actually looked for projects to make for Father’s Day. There are a lot of great dads out there, and just because I didn’t have a great experience growing up, doesn’t mean that I can’t make fun stuff to share with people who do celebrate it.

So, I searched through Cricut Design Space for some cards to make with my Maker and found these two. They also have envelopes in the files, but I didn’t cut those out.

Father's Day - What It Means to Me

I also wanted to do something special besides a card, so I searched Pinterest for some inspiration and found this. I love this saying because it’s so true.

Father's Day - What It Means to Me

I paired these two together which I thought would be a nice Father’s Day gift.

Father's Day - What It Means to Me

To all of you dads out there and moms that fill in for dads, happy Father’s Day. Keep doing what you are doing!!!

Until next time.


P.S. You might enjoy checking out this post on how to make Rolled Flowers with your Cricut.

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